
Concentration in Data Science

As a part of BİLGİ Industrial Engineering undergraduate curriculum, we offer a Concentration in Data Science consisting of the following elective courses: 

Upon successful completion of these three elective courses, students can be confident that they have taken a strong set of courses to support their interest in Data Science. Interested students are also encouraged to write their Senior Design Projects with a dsOpt faculty member.  

Concentration in Data Science comes with an official Data Science Certificate. Students who earn a minimum grade of A- in all dsOpt courses (IE 421, IE 422, IE 423) will be awarded the certificate. Additionally, successful concentration students can expect a strong recommendation letter from dsOpt faculty.

Certificates Awarded

NameYear Awarded
Derya Alp Balbay2024
Ece Naz Süzer2024
Ecem Edin2024
Fatma Hilal Börklü2024
Lana Dabbagh2024
Ozan Aksu2024
Ömer Faruk Eskici2024
Süha Turgut Ufuk2024
Ahmet Selimhan Şahin2023
Doğaç Nihat Keleş2023
Eray Aktaş2023
Muhammet Ahmet Onur2023